Frequently asked questions...

What are your worship services like?

We offer one worship service with a combination of styles.  We have linked our "Modern", more informal service with our “Traditional”, mostly formal style. The modern style includes a band and (mainly) contemporary Christian music. The traditional style is more formal written prayers and liturgy, traditional hymns, an organist/pianist, and often a choir. We preach relevant messages centered on Biblical truths that help with everyday circumstances. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is usually on the first Sunday of the month, as well as other significant times (both Christmas Eve and Easter, for example). Services usually last about an hour, and dress is casual.  Coffee is available before worship.

What will my kids do during worship? Will they be bored?

McKnight Kidz, our children's ministry, meets during the service downstairs where children will enjoy a worship service on their level that is fun, exciting, and engaging.  Your children are still welcome in worship as the choice is up to you, but we believe your children will love the energy and activity of McKnight Kidz worship and small group time.

During the summer months, starting June 2nd, Sunday school will take a break from our regular curriculum. Childcare will be provided during both services for children ages 5 years old and under downstairs in the Fellowship Hall or Blue Room.

How can I get involved at McKnight UMC?

The simplest way to get involved quickly involves attending one of our Life Groups.  Here you will get to know others quickly and will find others with a heart to serve the world and God.  Beyond that, attending retreats and classes that come along, or volunteering to help with events around the church are all wonderful ways to be involved.

How do I become a member?

We recognize that becoming a member of the church is not for everyone.  While being an active and engaged participant in every area of the life of the church is available to all persons who walk through our doors, membership calls for a higher level of commitment.  If you are interested in joining the church we encourage you to contact the Pastor to set up a time to discuss your desire to join, and New Member Classes that are held based on need.

How do I get baptized or get my children baptized?

The process for adults is very simple.  Just contact the Pastor to set up a time to talk about baptism and plan for the service.  Children must be sponsored by a member of the church, or have at least one of their parents become members.

I'm not Methodist - can I still take communion?

In the United Methodist Church, we believe that this is not our table, but God's table.  All are invited to share in this celebration of God's gift of God's self.  We serve grape juice (not wine) and gluten free bread.  If you are not able to come forward to receive, please let the ushers know and the bread and cup will be brought to you.  Otherwise, please come forward as others do, take a piece of bread, and dip it in the cup, partake, and return to your seat.


Please feel free to contact a staff member, using the Contact Us form located here if you have any additional questions -- we'd be happy to help!