December 10, 2023 Second Sunday of Advent

I know that most people think about gratitude in November, and that is when we started, but gratitude for God’s gifts is especially important in seasons of waiting. We have to acknowledge the gifts that we have already been given, not simply wait impatiently for the next one.

So as you continue your holiday preparations this week, ask yourself: how do you remind others and yourself of God’s goodness? This happens not simply by filling out inserts in bulletins or by writing in gratitude journals or by saying grace. Those can be important, formative practices, but it’s also important to literally say “thank you” to the people in your life.

We can do this even when we’ve had a bad week—not to be obnoxiously cheerful and never to be in denial, but to remember that life is typically both/and. I had a horrible day at work AND my dog is happy to see me. The world is deeply in need AND God has been good to me. My feet hurt AND my husband cooked dinner for me. It is both honest and faithful to see life in all its fullness, to name the good things we share with others, and to bring it all before God.

I’m looking forward to seeing the sanctuary hung with greens, and I’ll see you this Sunday—



Holy God, as the world waits and hopes and works for peace, we are so grateful that you are coming soon. You have both come and are coming, and we know that you will set all things right. We give thanks for the many gifts that enrich our lives in the in-between times, and especially for the people we can share our lives with. We ask your blessings on our interactions with others, and we ask that you help us to bless the ones around us. Help us to be your faithful people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.