February 4, 2024

In the meantime, I invite you to pray for our congregation, both as a whole and as specific individuals. We’ve got a handful in our community who are facing surgeries and/or long recoveries, and we’ve heard many requests in our services recently. And we often forget to pray for our congregation as a whole, but that’s important too. As the Body of Christ, we are more than just individuals meeting together weekly. We not only support one another, but we are in fact necessary to each other, in faith, in fellowship, in morale, in community. So let us pray for the body here at McKnight United Methodist Church.

Speaking of which, I’ll see you Sunday!



Almighty God, Giver of strength, we bring before you the members of this community who are in particular need of your healing. We pray for courage and grit and resilience for those who are facing a difficult or a long recovery. But we also pray for rest, Lord. There is healing in rest. Help us to put in time and effort and persistence when we should, but also to remember whose we are, that we might rest in you. We pray too for our community, those of us here in this particular part of your Body. We pray that we might be strengthened as a community, and that we might know that we are not here to “get something out of” church, but to come together to remember and celebrate who you are, and to realign ourselves weekly with you. Let us be together the community you desire. In Jesus’ name. Amen.