February 18, 2024 First Sunday in Lent

I know some of you are missing your Valentines.  They have already found that period at the end of this life, and Valentine’s Day can be a difficult reminder.  But it is also a reminder that you were lucky enough to have loved and been loved, so I invite you to live into all the feelings, uncritically. 


And for those of you waiting for a Valentine, or completely uninterested in Valentines, I invite you to remember that there are many kinds of love.  Treasure all of them, however they occur in our lives. 


So come to church tonight, and on Sunday, and remember that you are mortal.  That time is limited in this life, and that you depend on God and on the grace given us by Jesus Christ.  I’ll see you there.





Holy God, you have loved us from the beginning, and you have loved us into redemption.  You give us other people to teach us how to love, and so that we can experience human love in its many forms.  Forgive us for our lapses and our errors.  Teach us to pay attention to each other, to treasure our moments with each other, and to bring all of our loves before you. Teach us to love well.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.