May 5, 2024 Sixth Sunday of Easter

I invite you, as Craig did, to complete the survey, which will allow you to reflect and pray, and will also allow Church Council to reflect and pray.  Thank you for participating in this important work of discernment!


I’ll see you in church—






Holy and loving God, new things are growing all around us.  Buds formed last fall are opening on the dogwood trees, new chicks are hatching in the children’s room at the library, and new beginnings are all around us.  We ask that as we go through our church process of self-examination that you breathe some of that freshness into us, that we might together find new direction that is pleasing to you.  We cannot form our circumstances, but we can be the church in the place that we’re in.  We pray that you show us how to live faithfully, to be your church in the world.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.