January 7, 2024 Baptism of the Lord Sunday

Near the end of last year, we celebrated the idea of people’s during-the-week Bible reading—you might consider taking time in January to pre-read the gospel of Mark, which is the gospel we focus on most this year.  If you’re doing it at home and hearing it at church, your encounter will be richer, more full of questions and reflections. 


We also talked about gratitude practices, which help us to realize that life can be complex and difficult and at the same time we can find things we’re thankful for.  It’s important to realize that this is not a practice of denial, and we do not have to shame ourselves for finding much of life troublesome or difficult or painful.  Life can be all of those things.  And even in the pain and difficulty, we can give thanks:  for the color of the sky that day, for a loving church community, for everyday grace.  Some people journal this gratitude—I find it a good and restful way to end the day, focusing less on my worries than on the grace of God.  You might find this practice inviting too—you could try it for one month, and see what it offers you. 

Whether or not you include a new practice or resolution in your January or your year, I am looking forward to spending it with you, in worship, in reflection, in conversation.  I am grateful for you, in this church.  I’ll see you Sunday—






Emmanuel, God with us,

The busyness of the holidays has its difficulties, but so do the ordinary days.  Help us to find rest and peace in the quieter days, or, if we prefer, maybe a little time to reorganize or to try something new.  We live in a troubled world, a world much in need of your grace—help us to find our peace and joy in you.  Whatever this new year brings, and whatever we do, keep us centered in you.  Help us to turn to the means of grace you offer us:  prayer, study, worship, and fellowship, among others, that we might cultivate the habit of always turning to you, whether in celebration or in need.  We thank you for these gifts of grace among so many others.  Amen.