March 10, 2024 Fourth Sunday in Lent

We’ve ordered postcards again this year, which tell us and our neighbors when our Holy Week services are.  There are extras in the Welcome Center—feel free to share with a friend or to post in your favorite library or coffee shop!


And finally, I’ll leave you with this thought from Melissa Lauber:  “Worship is that place where earth and heaven can meet. In worship God breaks into our messiness and joins us in our brokenness to create a spirit of possibility. In the beginning God spoke a Word.  Worship is our response.”


I’m looking forward to seeing you in church—





 God of wilderness and water,

your Son was baptized and tempted as we are.

Guide us through this season,

that we may not avoid struggle,

but open ourselves to blessing,

through the cleansing depths of repentance

and the heaven-rending words of the Spirit. Amen.