April 7, 2024 Second Sunday of Easter

Many thanks to Kathy and her daughter for putting the eggs up so that we could share this celebration together. 


We’re taking a byway most of this month for worship, taking a break from Mark to look at 1 John together.  I’m happy to report that Wayne is feeling better and should be discharged within a few days, so I’m pretty confident that I’ll see you Sunday—








Lord Jesus, when you passed through the door of real human death, you showed us that there is no sorrow that you have not known, no grief you have not borne, and no price you were unwilling to pay for us.  There is no adequate thanksgiving, but we thank you anyway.  How could we do otherwise?  We thank you for your persistence, and that you continue to persist today, calling us, loving us, shaping us.  Help us to live into your persistent love, and to share it with the world.  Amen.